Wednesday 19 August 2015

Agricultural Marketing In India

What are the Main Problems of Agricultural Marketing in India? What Steps have been taken to solve these Problems?
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Even though India is an agricultural country, still its agricultural marketing has been defective. The Indian farmers are unable to get reasonable price for the products even after their hard work and are fully exploited by the middlemen.

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  1. Agricultural Productivity In India
  2. Agricultural Labor In India

Thursday 13 August 2015

Agricultural Productivity In India

What are the causes of Low Agricultural Productivity in India? Suggestions to Improve Agricultural Productivity.
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In India, the burden of the population is too much on the agricultural land; due to which the agricultural activity cannot be properly controlled. In India about 70% people are dependent on agriculture. The increasing burden of the population on agricultural land, is one of the main reasons for low productivity

You might also find useful:

  1. Agricultural Marketing In India
  2. Agricultural Labor In India

Saturday 1 August 2015

Green Revolution In India

A Discussion whether India needs a second Green Revolution.
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The Green Revolution was started in India by then Prime Minister Late Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, who gave the slogan of "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan", according to which, to make the country powerful from security point of ,view, is the responsibility of the soldiers, while making it self sufficient in the field of food grains, is the responsibility of the farmers.

You might also find useful:

  1. Criticism Of Green Revolution
  2. Achievements Of Green Revolution

Wednesday 18 March 2015